Friday, 30 January 2015

What in my shoes did next

So on the Thursday before Christmas we had our staff party for the office, this was after a day of training in South London. I then returned to my hostel

Then these things happened:

  • I threatened another resident in my hostel. (he had been beating up on his girlfriend for months) What I did was stupid and criminal, it wasn't big, it wasn't clever, and I should have just rang the old bill and kept my big nose out of it.
  • On the Saturday I went to court and was represented by the duty solicitor. Prior to me being up before the magistrate the duty solicitor advised me that the magistrate could be a bit harsh. He actually used the C word when describing him.
  • I pleaded guilty immediately.
  • I was then remanded into custody for three weeks to a prison in South East London and told I would need to appear in court at the end of January for sentencing.
  • After my three weeks I went back to court and got bailed.
  • I returned to my hostel and was told I had an hour to gather my things as I couldn't possibly stay at the hostel. No alternatives were considered.
  • I then spent ten days sofa surfing and wearing out my welcome with people I had considered long standing friends.
  • After being on a waiting list for five days I was invited to join the Hackney Winter Night Shelter.
  • I have been staying with them for ten nights, they rotate around some of the churches in Hackney and we stay at a different church each night.
  • The winter night shelter is run like a military operation, the people are kind and polite and we are well looked after.
So not a very auspicious start to the New Year.

I shall talk at more length about these things in the near future, for the time being I thought an updte would suffice. Watch this space