Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hidden homeless


Here is a link to a piece written by young rapper Speech Debelle who made a TV programme that was broadcast on BBC Three the other day about homelessness. I've included it  for In My Shoes because this young woman was eloquent on the subject of hidden homelessness.

1 comment:

  1. why dont you stop bitching and keep your appointments.are you not capable of doing what is asked of you.your landlord lets call him barry for sake of arguement.If i was him i would kick you out.He has to put up with you lot drunk high on drugs and not paying rent top up.And you keep your rooms like tips.Its all someone elses fault .You know every 2 weeks to pay £50 and you dont.Instead getting tennents super and hash from the canal.sort your life out - you cause all your problems yourself - you sad twat.grow some bollox.And if you left your stuff with banjo bill - you need to fumigate it later....And if you cant manage to keep appointments to get your scrounger benefits ..then stop claiming..I have been signing since year dot and never had any trouble.But you seem to get it all ..I wonder why
